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3 Types Of Minimally Invasive Surgeries Performed By Gynecologists

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There are a variety of gynecologic conditions that women suffer from. Some of these conditions include heavy menstrual periods, pelvic pain, and ovarian cysts. The good news is that gynecologists can effectively treat these conditions with different kinds of minimally invasive surgery. Besides feeling less pain afterward, other benefits of minimally invasive surgery include less recovery time and a reduced chance of bleeding.

To treat certain conditions, here are three types of minimally invasive surgeries that gynecologists sometimes need to perform:

1. Operative Hysteroscopy

A gynecologist performs a procedure called a hysteroscopy when they need to look inside the uterus to determine the cause of abnormal bleeding. When certain conditions are detected, the gynecologist may choose to treat them with a minimally invasive surgery called an operative hysteroscopy.

Conditions treated by this kind of minimally invasive surgery include:

  • Non-cancerous growths in the uterus called fibroids
  • Bands of scar tissue called uterine lesions
  • Heavy bleeding caused during menstrual cycles

When women have any of the above conditions, their gynecologist can let them know if they are a good candidate for an operative hysteroscopy.

2. Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

A laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgery in which a gynecologist inserts a thin tube with a video camera through an incision. The incision is usually made in the abdominal or pelvic cavity. An advanced laparoscopic surgery allows the gynecologist to see inside the woman's body during the procedure. 

Gynecologists use advanced laparoscopic surgery for the following reasons:

  • To remove the uterus, which is also called a hysterectomy
  • To remove fibroids
  • To perform a tubal ligation

Gynecologists also use advanced laparoscopic surgery to treat endometriosis. This condition occurs when tissue grows outside of the uterus. The gynecologist makes a small incision in the abdomen and removes the endometriosis, as well as any scar tissue that is affecting the uterus.

3. Vaginal Surgery

In some instances, a woman's vagina needs to be reconstructed or reshaped. There are many reasons for this, which include cancer treatments that have affected the structure of the reproductive system, physical trauma to the vagina, or a condition called vaginal wall prolapse. Some women undergo vaginal surgery after having children so that the vagina returns to the same size it once was. Vaginal surgery can also help to reduce pain, which is especially common for menopausal women.

Here are some of the most common minimally invasive vaginal surgeries:

  • Vaginoplasty
  • Labiaplasty
  • Vulvaplasty
  • Vaginal rejuvenation surgery

The type of surgery largely depends upon the reason for the surgery. A gynecologist can help women determine which type of vaginal surgery will best treat their condition.   
