The Importance of OBGYN Care During Pregnancy

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5 Essential Services Provided by an Obstetric Care Clinic

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Expecting a baby is an exciting time in any woman's life, but it can be overwhelming, too. With numerous medical visits, tests, and precautions, things can easily get complicated. That's when obstetric care clinics come into play. Obstetric care clinics are designed to provide medical care to expectant mothers and their babies. These clinics provide a range of services that help keep mothers-to-be healthy and ensure healthy fetal development. Here's a look at five essential services provided by obstetric care clinics.

Prenatal Checkups

Prenatal checkups are the essence of obstetric care clinics. Doctors and nurses assess the health of both the mother and her baby during these visits. Prenatal checkups typically include routine tests such as urine, blood, and blood pressure tests. This helps to detect any complications during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. The doctor will also monitor the baby’s heartbeat to make sure everything is progressing well.


A crucial aspect of obstetric care is ultrasound scans. These scans are performed to check the development of the baby's organs, bones, and limbs. Ultrasound scans also give the doctor a chance to check for any signs of potential complications, such as preeclampsia or placenta previa. Ultrasounds also give expectant mothers a chance to see their little ones in their wombs. Mothers usually have their first ultrasound scan done between weeks 6 and 13 of pregnancy. Additional ultrasounds will be carried out throughout pregnancy to monitor fetal growth and development.

Childbirth Education Classes

Obstetric care clinics often have classes where expectant mothers and their partners can learn about childbirth. The classes include childbirth techniques such as breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. Childbirth educators will go over the different stages of labor, what to expect during each stage, and the best ways to manage pain effectively.

Postnatal Care

Postnatal care includes checkups for both the mother and the baby after the child is born. The mother's postnatal checkup includes monitoring her vitals, ensuring any post-pregnancy complications are dealt with promptly, and offering maternity advice. Postnatal care for babies includes well-baby visits, jaundice checkups, and hearing screenings.

Nutrition and Exercise Guidance

Eating a well-balanced diet and getting enough exercise are vital during pregnancy. Obstetric care clinics provide expectant mothers with nutrition and exercise guidelines specifically tailored to their individual needs. The care team will ensure that the mother receives the right nutrients needed for the baby's growth and development. The care team will offer advice on the right exercises, how to avoid falls, and how to prepare the pelvic muscles for labor.

For more information, reach out to an obstetric care clinic near you.
